Poetry books

Washington elementary school - san francisco
Beautiful book to explain complex feelings to children.
Rick Yee - School Principal

tender years' nursery - united kingdom
Author Barbara Gianquitto reading to the pre-schooler children at nursery. The children absolutely loved it!

Perfect bed-time story
The morning after she would not get out of bef until we had played a game which involved trying to find her smile like Loretta!

What a beautiful book and such important message, thank you!

i want to read it again
Love the clouds explaining how everyone can be sad at times, makes me feel okay when I am.

"loretta is just like me!"
my daughter loved it!

mummy can we read it again?
loved it!

what has loretta lost?
I really wanted to know what it was, and when I found it I smiled so much!

I love the clouds!
what a beautiful story, my daughter really loved it.

makes me feel ok about my feelings
thank you loretta!